Quit Looking For Quick Solutions – Why Patience And Time Are All You Need

As human beings, we have a belief that our problems need solutions immediately and our questions need answers quickly. In reality, that’s not the case.

More often than not, if we exercise patience and use time to our advantage, the solutions and answers will come with ease.

Experiencing emotions leads to our labeling them as either good or bad. When we label an emotion or event negatively, we feel we need to change it, find a solution quickly, and get on with our lives.

We don’t often have the solution when we go through something “negative”. We don’t know our next step to take at that exact moment. That’s a tough pill to swallow because we love instant answers and gratification.

Searching for immediate answers, next steps, and formulating plans can cause excessive stress, amounting to more unwanted emotions and outcomes. We may make choices we later regret or fall down a spiral of negativity. All this can happen only for us to later realize the answers and solutions came without our involvement.

The world keeps running whether you stress and overexert yourself or not. There are countless variables at play, and infinite numbers of those variables will never be under your control or brought to your attention. They’re all working in ways to help you, but it may take time.

It isn’t always easy to sit back and trust the process, but it can be freeing. 

So try not to expect immediate answers to your questions and solutions to your problems. Know that what happened is over and one day you’ll understand why. 

September 30, 2022

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