ETT with Bryce Waitkus (@healerbryce) – Pursuing Music Full Time, Using Psychology to Heal, and Odd Jobs to Pay the Bills

My first Bryce on the podcast! On this week’s episode I chat with Bryce Waitkus @healerbryce about his life as it revolves around music. Bryce is an incredibly talented singer and songwriter from Chicago. He went to school for psychology until he realized you don’t necessarily have to get a job and only do music on the side. So he made the decision to pursue music full time. He moved out to LA and now spends his days writing, performing, recording, producing, and doing whatever odd jobs he can find to pay the bills. I had such an amazing time meeting Bryce and hearing his stories. His music deserves to be heard by more people. He does an incredible job at using his love of psychology to add more depth and meaning to his songs. If you know someone who’d love Bryce or could find meaning in his music, share him with them. Let’s give Bryce the love he deserves!

You can find Bryce at

Listen to this interview on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Anchor

What do you think about Bryce’s decision to move from Chicago to LA? Comment your thoughts on pursuing a passion full time.

Important Links:


0.28 – Intro
1.17 – Job situation
2.2 – College
6.35 – First memories of music
8.4 – First steps towards pursuing music
11.44 – Staying motivated in the beginning
13.07 – The start of his singing career
16.2 – Genre and writing lyrics
19.35 – Dealing with unwanted emotions
20.27 – Inspirations
25.33 – Doing music full time
27.36 – The battle with social media
32.14 – Odd jobs
35.10 – Ideal Life Routine
36.40 – Goals
41.33 – Advice to younger Bryce
42.16 – Advice to other creatives
44.10 – What’s on the horizon

Listen to this interview on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Breaker, Anchor

Bands and Others Mentioned:

Ok Alright
War is Over
Jack Johnson
Bright Eyes
Bob Dylan
Fox Academy
Richie Woods
Oh Nevermind
Mumford and Sons
Head and the Heart
Walter Mitty
Flat sounds
Wonder Years
Modern Baseball
Front Bottoms
Cave town
Hobo Johnson
Matt Dermako
The Beatles
Scott Street – Phoebe Bridgers
Internet Friends
Sipper – Adam Driver

If you enjoyed this episode, be sure to check out past interviews:

ETT with Johnny Scarpelli – Photographer

ETT with The Kings of Nothing

and many others at

Expedition to Try is a podcast with the goal of introducing you to your new favorite artists, musicians, entrepreneurs, and all around passionate individuals who haven’t made it big yet. At ETT, we want to give the underdogs a shot. So many other podcasts interview the experts, the successful, and the people at the top. Why not give a voice to the people who don’t have the giant platform yet? We all have an interesting story to share and insights/advice to give, so let’s give everyone the opportunity to do just that. Hopefully the stories of others will inspire you to pursue your own hobbies and passions!

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