Motivation After Work

Do you ever come home after work and feel no desire to do anything but lay around on your phone/watch TV?

In my experience, I always wish I had taken the time after work to do something productive. I end up going to bed and thinking “Damn, I really wasted all those hours.” 

Here’s the thing though, since starting to work again, I haven’t felt that way. Instead, I come home mid afternoon and I’m ready to go – motivated to work. I think the change is a result of realizing what’s important to me – ETT.

If you were to look at Bryce from a couple years ago, you’d see a kid who was working full time as a way to pay rent. A kid who wasn’t passionate about his job and didn’t have any passions outside of work. He would come home exhausted and not want to do anything, not because he wasn’t motivated, but because he didn’t have a passion project.

Present Bryce is different. I have something to focus on and I have a clear vision for my future. I’ve created a routine and habits around the ETT podcast and blog, so I have direction. I no longer come home and go directly to the couch then wish I was productive. Now I know everything I can do to work on ETT and I want to work on it any chance I get.

Maybe it’s not that you’re lazy or unmotivated to do something productive after work. Maybe you just haven’t found something worth investing your time and effort into. What do you love doing so much that you’ll do it whenever possible? If you don’t have an answer, start trying things until you find one.

April 13, 2022

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