A Noticeable Change

Grow so much they don’t recognize you. When they bump into you a few months from now they’ll wonder how you changed so much.

I don’t want to be the same person I was the last time I saw you, especially if the last time was years ago. If you bump into me and I’m the same as I was, it means I haven’t grown or tried to improve.

There’s something powerful about meeting an old acquaintance. The interaction makes you reflect on the time that’s passed since your last encounter. Do you really want to tell them “Not much has changed.” Or would you rather exude the new knowledge and improvement you’ve gained?

I’d like to be different every time. I’d like to look more fit and healthy, to be more confident or social than the last time, and just show that I’ve grown and learned.

I never want to look back and realize I haven’t changed anything. I never want to discover I haven’t learned something new in months or tried to improve myself in any number of ways. I never want to be stagnant.

The next time I run into an old acquaintance, I don’t want them to ask “What’s new with you?” I want them to recognize how much I’ve grown. My goal is for them to notice the new ways in which I hold myself and express myself.

Keep growing and keep improving yourself. Grow so much that people recognize it and ask “How’d you do it?”

March 18, 2022

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