A Purpose For Creativity

You do not need a deeper purpose to be creative. The only purpose you need is to get the thoughts out of your head and into the world.

When you attach a purpose to your creative endeavor, it takes away from the intrinsic beauty of the creation. “Purpose” in this instance is saying “I make music because I want to be famous.”, “I paint because I want people to see my work.”, or “I’m building a business because I want recognition and success.”

The goal of creating something is to create it to the best of your ability. The hope is to take an idea and turn it into something tangible. When you feel the drive to create, the sole motivator should be the desire to make something you’re proud of. 

The goal of creating is not to gain tons of recognition. The hope is not to make a living off your creations. The act of creating should not be spurred on by a feeling of necessity or any sort of pressure.

You create for yourself first and foremost. You create because you can’t stand the thought of not doing so. Make music because there’s a song in your heart. Paint because there’s a scene in your mind. Write because there’s a story to tell. Create because there is beauty and passion inside you.

The perks of creating what you love will inevitably come with consistency and patience. When the follower count grows, the sales increase, streams are on the rise, and compliments fill your inbox, you’ll be grateful and humble.

There is no need to add deeper purpose to your desire to create. If there’s something inside you that needs to be released, find your medium and get it out. Create to create and nothing else.

August 5, 2022

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