Bringing A Baseball Hat To A Gunfight 

What is something you need to remember to bring with you when you go on trips? Is it a medication, a book, a lucky charm?

For me, it’s a Five Guys baseball hat. Why? Because without it, I can’t put my socks on in the morning.

To show what I mean, there’s a video of me using a hat for my socks on my tik tok

In thinking about my need to bring a hat when I travel, I started considering the intricate adaptations others have to make in their own life. Think of all the minor things your own friends and family have to consider on a regular basis that you’ve never thought about.

This ties into the idea of how interesting and unique we all are. There are so many little details that make each of us special. There are so many habits we have, perspectives we hold, and considerations we have to make. We’ll never be able to fully grasp those of another person, no matter how close we are.

I’m sure 99% of you have never thought twice about putting your socks on – for most, it’s a simple task requiring little thought. For me, it takes a little more effort. Similarly, I’m sure there are dozens of things you do differently than me and I’ve never considered them in my own life.

When you realize how unique every single person you meet is, life becomes more interesting. Just think about that when you meet someone for the first time – this person is one of a kind, imagine all the experiences they’ve had, ideas they hold, and habits they’ve formed! Let that be your guide towards learning more about them. The conversational topics are endless.

At the same time, maybe it can help all of us be more considerate of the things we take for granted. Something as simple as putting your socks on could be an inconvenience for someone else. The way you experience life could be a blessing compared to how another person does.

Who would’ve thought a baseball hat could teach you a lesson on life?

May 18, 2022

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