Be Glad You Learned When You Did

It sucks when you can’t figure something out. You spend hours working on it, researching, testing, and not making progress. You start to think, “What’s the point? I’m just gonna give up.”

Then you figure it out and a feeling of relief washes over you. Everything you just went through disappears and all you’re left with is the excitement of finally completing it.

Or maybe you’ve been doing something for awhile now, believing you’re doing everything right. Then you see a video or read something that tells you you’re missing an important aspect of the activity.

For me most recently, I was missing something important that could’ve helped my blog with SEO – being discovered more easily on the internet.

I was a little peeved at first, but there’s nothing I can do about all those days before I learned this new technique. I can’t go back and tell myself “You’re doing it wrong! Do this instead.” So why should I beat myself up and feel any sense of regret?

All I can do is be glad I figured it out when I did. Thankfully it didn’t take me another year to find this bit of knowledge. At least now I can take the necessary actions to add this to my blog and now expand on it.

You can’t expect to get everything right all the time. You’re going to learn a lot along the way and you’re going to make mistakes. You just have to take it day by day, learn as you go, recover from mistakes, and slowly build your way up.

It doesn’t matter how long it took you to figure something out. Just be happy you learned it when you did.

January 21, 2022

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