Be Like Water

You don’t have to be the same person you were yesterday. You don’t have to think the same thoughts, hold the same beliefs, or do the same things.

You are allowed to change. You’re allowed to grow, adapt, and learn.

Never fear someone saying “That’s not what you said earlier.” or “You didn’t do that the first time.” Of course you spoke or acted differently than you did then – you’re not the same person as you were a year, a week, or even a day ago.

As each day passes, we should be learning more about ourselves and the world around us. We should try to question our beliefs and habits on a regular basis. Never accepting our current state as the final destination. Never assuming our thoughts and perspectives are correct or set in stone.

There’s nothing wrong with changing your mind, changing your opinion, or changing your techniques. If you discover there’s a better way, a more productive mindset, or more promising path, switch it up!

You do not have to force yourself to stay in one place, doing the same things every day if you determine you’d be happier elsewhere. You do not have to trudge through a hobby, passion project, or side-hustle just because you fear judgment if you quit.

Keep growing, keep learning, and keep trying. Never fear the judgment of others. If you’re doing what you believe is best for the current version of yourself, keep doing it. If you think you’re wasting your time, move on.

June 17, 2022

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