Who’s To Blame? Take Responsibility and Make A Change

If you want to fix your problems, blaming the world and other people isn’t the answer. Take responsibility for your own health and well-being and make a choice to be better.

One of the books I’m reading is When the Body Says No by Dr. Gabor Mate. The book dives into the idea of stress and how it can cause debilitating diseases in the human body.

People approached Dr. Mate in regards to the book, asking him “Why are you writing this book?” and stating that by associating disease with personal choices is putting extra burden on someone who is already going through so much.

I thought the opposite and later in the chapter, Dr. Mate confirmed my thought. “[W]e all would wish to be more responsible—that is, to have the ability to respond with awareness to the circumstances of our lives rather than just reacting.”

Wouldn’t you rather be told you have an opportunity to improve than be told it’s a matter of genetics and you can’t do anything to change the outcome? If you were diagnosed with cancer and the doctor told you doing X, Y, and Z would eliminate your pain and lead to full health, wouldn’t you do those things?

It’s not a matter of blame. No one is blaming you for being unhealthy, being anxious, unmotivated, or simply anything but the best version of yourself. This is a matter of taking responsibility and doing something about it. Accept that fact that you make poor choices then make an effort to change them.

The books claims that stress can lead to disease. It flips the script from saying a disease is solely genetic and there’s nothing you can do, to a disease is related to your stress and here are the things you can do. It puts more power into your hands.

No one is blaming you and you shouldn’t blame yourself or anyone else for your problems. You can, however, take responsibility for them and decide to make a change. Realize there is likely something you can do to improve yourself and prevent further hardships.

Take responsibility for all aspects of your life. Put the power in your own hands and make more progress than you ever thought was possible.

December 5, 2022

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