Braden Bales: “Overnight Success” – How to Persevere and Win

Braden Bales has proven that It only takes one thing to drastically change everything for you. Hard work and consistency can and will pay off.

I hate posting Tik Toks. It’s time consuming, I rarely achieve results, people are mean, and constantly thinking of ideas is tiring. It feels like growing on Tik Tok has become the new Rat Race.

The issue I have is that I know the more I post, the more likely something big can come from it. The more I put out, the more eyes see it. It’s just hard to find motivation to do that when every video gets no more than 400 views while it seems like everyone else gets millions.

But this post is about something amazing that happened this week for another creator. Braden Bales is an immensely talented musician I interviewed a while back. For the past year, he’s been producing bop after bop and slowly growing his audience. I’ve been watching and wishing for his success and finding it annoying when he wasn’t getting views and follows.

But this week, a fairly large Tik Tok page discovered Braden and dueted a video he posted. From there, multiple people have been seeing, dueting, and following Braden. As of writing this, Braden is at 99.6K (Update: 267k) followers when just last week he was at 30K.

I am so freaking excited for Braden because he’s been putting in the work and producing amazing content. This is so well deserved and I only hope it continues from here.

So to tie it back to my posting habits and maybe even yours – post more content about what you love. Post content with less thought and worry. All it takes is one chance occurrence to skyrocket your progress. One person can share your video and change your life. So while it may be tough right now and annoying as hell, try your best to push though. You never know who’s watching and listening.

April 3, 2023

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