Eating A Sandwich – How To Break Down Goals And Achieve Them

If you wanna eat a sandwich but don’t want to make the sandwich, just eat all the ingredients separately. This is the key if you want to break down goals and achieve them all.

What the hell is Bryce talking about this time? If there’s something you’d like to do, the conventional way isn’t necessary in order to achieve results. You don’t have to make the sandwich in order to eat the sandwich.

With any of your goals, there are likely many people who have already accomplished it and can share their path to success. Simply because there is a path, does not mean you have to follow it. You can take their methods, their tools, and resources and use them however you see fit. As long as the end goal is accomplished, the steps you take and their order don’t matter much.

You have a goal in mind and you have the “ingredients” needed (knowledge, processes, resources). Now all you have to do is act. Act in a way that feels right and you believe will work well for you.

Just as an example, take working out. The goal may be health, strength, muscle building, losing weight, but the steps are relatively similar. What are the ingredients? You know diet is important, you know an increase in activity is necessary, you know you can look up anything online to help, etc. Now comes the action – how can you start eating better, start increasing activity, lifting heavier?

You don’t have to do what someone else is doing – you don’t have to follow a script. Take the goal, determine the ingredients, and act. Break down goals and make a move.

Grow hungry, pull out the bread and cold cuts, and either make a sandwich or eat everything separately. Just make sure you eat.

October 10, 2022

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