
Delayed Gratification Hobby

Find a hobby that teaches you to enjoy the process. A hobby that trains you to grow comfortable with delayed gratification.

A lot of hobbies we have and activities we pursue, result in instant gratification. Learning to cook/bake gives us a (hopefully) delicious treat, creating art or music gives us a product to look at or listen to, scrolling through social media gives us a burst of dopamine.

In a world full of instant gratification, it’s important to find enjoyment in activities that get better with time and show results on a longer term scale.

You may go to the gym because you want to be healthy, but do you actually enjoy putting in the work? Maybe you’re starting a business, but not because you want to build something amazing but because you want a quick return on investment.

Something like the 1001 Books To Read Before You Die list has the ability to teach you patience. An activity that can’t be completed within a few months gives you no choice but to enjoy the process.

With every new book you read, you’re adding another piece of history to your brain, another work of art that has impacted the world in countless ways. That’s something that continues to add to your life for years to come. The enjoyment only gets better with more time.

So in a world full of instant rewards, look for something that takes time to bloom. Find a hobby that follows you as you grow for years to come. Learn to love the slow process of building something special. Learn to be patient and enjoy every step of the journey.

March 16, 2022

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