Deliberate Intention, Not Haste

Action without careful consideration leads to mistakes, wasted energy, and wasted time. Do not act with haste, but instead with deliberate intention.

What is it you want to accomplish? What goal do you have, task to complete, or errand to run? Whatever it is, make sure you’re not acting purely out of habit. Take some time to think it through and come up with a productive approach.

When you act with haste, you later realize there was a much better way. While it’s still beneficial knowledge you can use in the future, what if it were possible to get it right the first time with less effort. All it takes is some deeper thought before action.

My task of the day is finding dress shoes. Shoes are impossible for me to find because my feet are small but also wide as hell, so I’m going to need to search multiple stores. With little consideration, my plan would be this: Drive around town, stopping at any and every shoe store I could find, try on any shoes available, hope for the best, probably end up pissed and without shoes.

With some more deliberate consideration, my new plan is this: call the shoe stores in the area, ask if they have my size in stock, if so request they hold a pair, go to that store. This plan saves me time, gas, energy, and probably prevents a test of patience.

Acting more deliberately can be as simple as asking yourself “What’s the best way to do this?” then letting your subconscious take the wheel. You don’t have to act immediately, you can act against habit and instinct, and you can act more productively.

So whatever it is you have to accomplish, ask yourself if you’re doing it in the best way possible. Are you performing in the most time efficient, energy saving, and productive way possible? If not, consider a better way then try it out.

July 13, 2022

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