ETT with Luke Burrows – Founder of Grow2Gether, Host of Unorthodox Perspectives, Entrepreneurship, and Personal Development

October 14, 2020

I received an Instagram DM from Luke a couple weeks ago asking if I’d be interested in collaborating. How could I say no? This week I talk with Luke Burrows, all the way from the UK. Luke is an ambitious young adult, who decided secondary education wasn’t for him and neither was working at a 9-5. He has started quite a few businesses so far in his life and learned a lot from the mistakes he’s made, all of them leading to his current path of running Grow2Gether. Luke’s goal is to constantly be improving himself through healthy habits and routines while also helping others figure out their own way to be the best version of themselves.

You can check out all the things Luke is working on at and check out Grow2Gether as it rebrands itself at

Full episode here

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