F*** Your Juice Cleanse

Why do we have to come up with such complex solutions to problems that should have a simple fix? It seems like any time we’re faced with an obstacle, instead of taking the direct path, we go all the way around it and often times don’t achieve the result we want.

One example that comes to mind is exercise and diet. When someone says they want to lose weight, get in shape, build muscle, or workout more, they’re often drawn to the “sexier” choices.

People would rather say they’re on a juice cleanse than say they’re counting calories. They’d rather do a 30 day fat burn than workout consistently for a few months. We want to tell people we’ve completely cut carbs from our diet instead of saying we eat more protein and fat than carbs.

To me it’s likely our desire for quick results. We want to see that our effort is paying off so we can show our friends and family. It’s cooler to tell people we’re trying a cool new fad or diet than telling them we’re forming consistent healthy habits.

Another example that recently came up is washing dishes (housemates, sorry if this offends you).

Here’s my thought process: if you make dishes, you wash them right after, if you’re in a rush to leave, you can put them by the sink and wash them as soon as you have 2 minutes free. We don’t need to come up with some fancy system for washing dishes. One that always came up was the 24 Hour Rule. You have one day to leave your dishes in the sink.

That would be fine if you actually washed the dishes. More often than not, they’re left in the sink and then no one remembers which dishes are theirs and they pile up.

Simple problems can often be solved with simple solutions. Don’t over think these things.

You make dishes, you wash them. You want to eat healthier, buy healthy foods. Want to work out more? Start working out.

Stop looking for fancy diets, crazy workout routines, and making up rules to justify being too busy (or lazy).

Use simplicity to your advantage. Consistency and a little discipline will give you better results than any internet fad out there ever will.

April 2, 2021

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