Find Joy In The Little Things – A Thought Experiment

Here’s a thought experiment: Imagine you suddenly lost your ability to experience joy. You still remember what joy is and what brought you joy, but you no longer feel it. What simple things in life would you miss the most?

I’m reading Zen Mind, Beginner’s Mind and it has me thinking a lot. Any time I read about Buddhism and meditative practice, I begin thinking of questions as I try to understand the philosophy and practices.

Are Buddhists allowed to feel joy or are they meant to brush it aside? If they hear their favorite song, can they sing and dance? I don’t know enough to know the answers to these questions or if they’re even valid. But these are the thoughts I ponder as I read.

As I was driving, I was listening to music, singing, and vibing. I saw someone walking their dog and I smiled. The fall foliage struck a chord and I couldn’t help but feel good. Then I wondered if Buddhists were allowed to experience these emotions. Can the find joy in the little things? Do they try to simply experience the world with no added thoughts or feelings?

That’s likely not the case but it made me wonder what I’d miss if I was no longer able to attach joy to it.

I’d miss hearing a great song and not being able to sing along. I’d hate to see people happy and not feel happy myself. To admire nature and all it’s beauty, but see it just as objects. It all sounds quite boring to me.

Any reminder to notice the small things in life is a good reminder. We rarely take the time to notice everyday occurrences like sunsets, cool breezes, distant laughter, and so many others. But what if you could never feel any joy from these things? You’d probably miss them a great deal.

So don’t forget to experience the world and find joy in the little things. Smile more, hear your favorite song like it’s the first time, enjoy each bite, feel the wind and sun, experience the things that fill you with joy. Don’t just brush them aside because they’re common, love them because you’re able to experience them again and again.

November 28, 2022

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