Find Your Metaphor

If you think about it, an ice cube melting on the driveway under the blazing sun, is an excellent metaphor for life and how quickly it passes us by.

Honestly, humans are basically just ants – rushing around, trying not to be stepped on, surrounded by others doing the same thing.

Damn… all those people you pass by on the street really make you think about how quickly we all enter and exit the lives of others – how quickly we all come and go.

I think about metaphors a lot. Not even on purpose. Sometimes all it takes is some caffeine and for me to notice something and my brain turns it into a metaphor. But honestly, I think however strange this habit is, it’s beneficial. 

Thinking in often absurdly specific metaphors gives me helpful life reminders, but in more comical/ less hyper-philosophical ways. My metaphors remind me of the brevity of life and the importance of using time wisely. Metaphors allow me to zoom out and realize how small I am and how unnecessary most of my worries are. Comparing common occurrences with large-scale conundrums allows me to see the world in simpler terms.

Find the metaphors that help you make these realizations. Find what reminds you of life’s shortness. What can be the nudge on your shoulder to help you remember how small you are? Look for common occurrences that cause these minor epiphanies – the ones that help you take life less seriously and enjoy it more.

We are no different from the stars, the insects, or the strangers on the street – you just haven’t thought about it enough.

June 22, 2022

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