Fish Tank Perspective

There I sat, staring into the soulless eyes of the goldfish in the doctor’s waiting room. The gears in my brain immediately churned out this thought: “Damn, billions of years of evolution and you wound up here…”

What better rabbit hole to go down as I was called back for my appointment?

It’s both incredible and slightly depressing to consider this fact. Think about all it took to get this fish where it is right now and it’s trapped in a tank.

Now forget the fish. It has no clue what’s going on, but you do. You have the ability to conceptualize this.

Much like that fish, you are the product of billions of years of life. Just think about everything that had to play out in order to create you. Do you want to be trapped in a fish tank?

You weren’t meant to be stuck in one place, pacing back and forth, doing the same shit every single day. You’re not stuck where you are. You have the ability to do whatever you want.

Don’t stay within the box you were raised in. Explore the world, try new things, do everything you desire. 

You don’t get to choose where your life begins, but you get to choose where it ends. Step outside the tank you were raised in and find yourself on the other side of those walls.

January 26, 2022

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5 min read