For The Uninspired 

There’s no greater inspiration than reading the ideas of others. 

In coming up with blog ideas, I go through a cycle of writing a bunch, worrying I won’t have any ideas for next month, thinking of more ideas, writing a bunch…

Any time I feel uninspired or without ideas to write about, I read. Typically, non-fiction plants the seeds in my mind that later bloom into the blogs you read. Philosophy, mainly Stoicism, is the number one inspiration, but I’d like to explore other teachings.

I love reading the thoughts and ideas of the countless minds from the past and present. Nothing inspires me more than reading or hearing how someone else thinks of the world or a specific scenario, then deploying my self awareness to contemplate my own ideas and habits. 

Whether I agree with this person’s ideas and methods or not, my brain is jump started with the spark it needs to create.

If you’re feeling uninspired, out of ideas, or just want to think, read! Pick up a book, download an article, or search for blogs. Look at the ideas of people from long before you, people in the same position as you, people you look up to – anyone who has something to say. 

Read with the intention of learning and formulating your own ideas and life practices. Read what they have to say and think about your ideas on the matter. You don’t have to write your thoughts down, but it doesn’t hurt!.

There are so many ideas to discover and perspectives to explore. Go out and find them!

May 4, 2022

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