Forcing Habits

“Do you ever try forcing veganism onto your family and friends?” Someone asked me this question and I could never imagine a time when I would answer “Yes”.

What gives me the right to force any of my habits or beliefs on anybody? My choices are by no means the gold standard for anyone other than myself – heck, they may not even be best for me in the future!

Everything I do is an attempt to feel the best I possibly can in mind, body, and spirit. I form a gym routine that works for me. My 95% vegan diet makes me feel the healthiest I have thus far. Stoicism aids me in coping with the world.

I would never force veganism on anyone. For one, I ate animal products for 24 years, no hesitation, and still do here and there. Who am I to scold you for eating cheese?

You will never hear me say “This is the workout routine you should follow.” Dude, I can’t even follow the same routine for longer than a few weeks before getting bored and switching it up!

If I ever force feed you Meditations by Marcus Aurelius or the Discourses of Epictetus, you can schedule my appointment to remove the Stoic tattoos from my body.

I have no right to force any of my beliefs, perspectives, or habits on anyone. There’s no way to know if what I’m doing now and how I think now is the best course of action. It all works for who I am at this stage in my life, but my future self may disagree. 

Our job in life is to focus on ourselves and try our best to find our footing in this crazy world. Figure out what works for you, what calms your mind, makes you happy, and healthy. Let everyone else do the same.

April 22, 2022

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