How To Make Healthy Choices: Changing Your Cravings

There before you, you see a delicious piece of pie. A feeling builds inside you, a feeling of immense desire for the dessert as your mouth starts to water. You ask yourself “How bad can one piece of pie really be for me?”

This is the challenge with changing your habits. One of the most difficult aspects to overcome is cravings, especially when you’re put to the test.

While you’re reading this, maybe you’re fighting the urge to eat an unhealthy treat. You’re begging this Day to Day to give you the answer. You ask “Bryce, how can I beat these cravings and instead crave healthy foods?”

You won’t like the answer, but time is the biggest factor. It takes time, consistency, and patience to train your brain to release dopamine for healthy foods instead of unhealthy foods.

When I first decided I wanted to eat mostly plant-based, I never believed I would be able to crave vegetables, tofu, or cashew cheeses. Now, one year later, that’s exactly what happens. The smell and taste of most meats makes me nauseous, dairy makes my stomach feel like a rock, and the texture of eggs wigs me out.

That took time though. In the first few months, I wanted real cheese, I wanted grilled chicken thighs, and I had to use all of my energy to resist temptations. Eventually, after saying no enough times, the new tastes formed.

I talk a lot about taking small steps in these blogs and this will be no different. If you want something to change, start now. Start with the simplest action you know you can take. You don’t have to be insane like me and give up all animal products at once. If you know that you can give up one food right now, just one, don’t wait.

Give up the easiest foods one at a time, each just a little more challenging for you than the last. Do this consistently, trying your best not to slide backwards. The point of doing it this way is that you’ll be giving up things you know you can live without. 

It’s going to take time, there’s really no way around it. I can say with relative certainty (I’ll give it a 99% chance) that if you stay consistent, you will start to recognize your tastes and preferences changing. You’ll realize when you want mayonnaise, you’ll instinctively reach for vegan mayo. When you want something sweet, you’ll go straight for the apples.

One step at a time. It’s not a race and no one else’s opinions of your methods matter. You can do it, just start and have the clear image of the end goal in mind.

January 14, 2022

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