How To Make Healthy Choices: Overthinking Healthy Habits

You want to be healthy. You want to workout, eat good foods, and choose more productive habits like reading instead of TV. You likely feel stressed or overwhelmed by it all.

You think “How can I possibly make all these changes?” You struggle to see this new, healthy version of you making these choices. 

You’re overthinking it!

You can rest easy knowing healthy habits are formed one choice at a time. You can change as much as you can immediately handle and take as much time as you need to progress forward.

Make the single change you know you can right now. If that’s giving up one unhealthy food, do it. If that’s reading one page of a book a day, do it. If that’s walking on the treadmill for five minutes, do it.

As you’re making that single change, you can tell yourself “This is the right choice. I’m on a good path now.” When you choose that one healthy choice over the alternative, you can feel a sense of pride and accomplishment.

When you’re able to consistently make that single choice and have instilled it into your life, you can move to the next step.

Changing everything all at once is too much to handle and more often than not leads to ending up right back where you started or worse than before. You can form the healthiest version of yourself one step at a time. It can take as long as you need it to. 

Every step you take in the right direction is worth it. No matter how small and simple it may seem, it’s progress. Small changes combined over a long enough period of time will create an unrecognizable version of you.

January 17, 2022

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