The Power of Instant Realization – Letting Go of Frustration

One of my favorite things is seeing people growing upset at something then the instant realization they were in the wrong. Let me explain:

A passenger had just gone into the bathroom with his baby to change his diaper. A couple minutes went by and another person went to wait in line. After a few more minutes passed, you could see the one in line growing frustrated. When the dad finally opened the door, the person in line had an instant realization of the situation and realized their frustration wasn’t warranted.

Or take the time a friend of mine wanted takeout. They called the restaurant, no one answered. They tried again, still no luck. Finally, they grew annoyed, questioning the restaurants business model and inability to have someone to answer the phone. My friend looked up the restaurant and BAM, they weren’t even open! Absolutely hilarious.

We grow pissed so easily and jump to conclusions without having the full context of the situation. We assume people are being inconsiderate, ignoring us, being rude, or out to make our day worse. It’s rare for us to consider the background of their demeanor, the broader picture of the situation, or any alternative that isn’t negative. That’s why I love instant realization moments.

I think it’s great to be knocked down a peg and realize you were wrong. It’s beneficial to be shown your negativity is unwarranted and that you turned a simple inconvenience into something major. It’s important to receive reminders that the world doesn’t revolve around you, people don’t care about you, and we’re all here trying to figure shit out.

So relax. You don’t need to turn this into some huge production. Don’t act like this is the biggest inconvenience the world has ever seen. Live your life, let others do the same, and be respectful of other people’s time and cut them some slack.

May 26, 2023

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