Is This Worth My Time?

“So it is: we are not given a short life but we make it short, and we are not ill-supplied but wasteful of it.” ~Seneca

A part of knowing who you want to be and where you want to end up is removing time-wasters from your daily life. 

You’ll recognize what aligns with your desired self and what doesn’t. Those that match up with your desired self become the focus and become habits. Those that mismatch are brushed aside and forgotten.

When you know what you’re working towards you’ll ask yourself “Is this worth my time?” and you’ll know the answer. You’ll feel the resounding “No!” or the confident “Yes!” deep in your gut. Then you’ll act accordingly.

Over time you learn to ignore the trivial gossip. You’ll walk away from arguments. You’ll wonder how you ever spent hours on your phone or in front of the TV when you could’ve been doing something productive.

Everything becomes a lot more clear when you have your end goal in mind. 

Figure out who you’re trying to become then constantly ask yourself “Is this worth my time?” until the answers are consistently “Yes!”

February 7, 2022

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