Life Story

“I can disagree with your opinion, it turns out, but I can’t disagree with your experience.” ~Krista Tippett

Everyone responds to life in their own unique ways. The reason each response, habit, and opinion we have is unique is because our experiences are unique. The environment we grew up in and the interactions we had with the world created our perspectives.

We won’t always agree with one another, but that doesn’t mean we can’t understand each other.

If you explain your opinions and perspectives through the story of your life, you give the other person the ability to empathize. You add depth to the opinion and give context to why you believe what you do.

That doesn’t mean agreement will follow, but understanding will. You can’t fault a person for experiencing life and forming a habit or opinion as a result. You’ve done the same every single day.

Hearing this quote inspired me to try sharing my experiences more from this point forward. No longer will I simply say “This is what I think about *blank*” and leave it at that. Instead, I’ll try adding some context by sharing my stories. I’ll dive deeper into how my perspectives formed and maybe that will leave more room for you to share your own stories in return.

How did you develop your most prominent perspectives of the world and how it works? Try sharing your stories the next time you want to express your opinions and see where the conversation takes you.

April 11, 2022

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