Live Like it’s my Last Day? How??

Live each day as if it was your last.

That’s what everyone always says. And yeah, it seems like a great idea. Who wouldn’t want to spend each and every day doing exactly what they want to be doing? Going on incredible trips, having the time of your life with friends, throwing hundreds of dollars towards an incredible experience. It all sounds amazing and is exactly what I’d want to do if I knew it was my last day to live.

But the reality is, it’s probably not my last day and hopefully it’s not yours either. So how the hell are you supposed to live each day like it’s your last when you have so many outside responsibilities and restrictions making it next to impossible?

Most of us can’t just take 2 weeks off and go on a trip whenever we want. We can’t afford to do some rad, expensive experience every weekend with friends. We can’t do whatever we want whenever we want because the reality is, we have time to live and with that comes responsibilities.

There are bills, jobs, kids, school loans, classes, emergencies… the list goes on and on. There are all these things preventing us from living each day like it’s our last because we know it’s probably not our last day.

So how do we overcome this? How do we do all the things we want to do while still balancing everything else in our life?

Sadly, I don’t have the answer, but it’s an answer I’m in search of and think everyone else should be as well.

While today may not be your last day, that last day will eventually come, and when it does you’ll want to know you did everything you ever wanted.

August 23, 2021

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