Loss Of Passion

What if you go through all this trouble only to realize you’re no longer passionate about it?

This is a fear I have with my love of coffee and desire to own a coffee shop – what will I do if I put in all this time, energy, and money then realize I’m no longer passionate about it? That would kinda suck…

I don’t think anyone wants to discover they no longer love the activity they once enjoyed so much. It’s heartbreaking to think of a future in which you’re not pursuing this hobby or passion you currently spend so much time on.

That’s a good sign in my eyes. If you cannot fathom a future without your passion or thinking of one makes you sad, it means you’re doing something right. If you picture your life without this activity and it elicits negative emotions, it means you really love it and are enjoying every step of the process. 

That future you’ve created in your mind is nothing but a fairytale – it’s not real. All that matters is this moment and in this moment you love what you’re doing. It doesn’t make a difference what decision your future self makes as it relates to this passion – that’s for them to decide.

We all grow and adapt as we get older. We discover new hobbies, new skills, and meet new people. One day, we may discover our passion lies with something different than now. There’s nothing wrong with that.

If you love what you’re doing, you’re doing it for you, and you can’t imagine a life without it, keep doing it. How could anyone say that’s a waste of time? Even if one day you choose to move on, you won’t regret a single moment because you’ll know it was something special. 

The future decisions you make don’t matter to present you. Keep doing what you’re doing, keep trying new things, and exploring your passions and hobbies fully. Stay present and enjoy the journey.

August 17, 2022

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