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Mindset Of The Unemployed

I’ve been retired (cough cough, unemployed) for almost four months. This freedom has taught me the importance of focusing on what matters.

Having now been retired for this long, I’ve developed a routine that I can see myself doing for a long time. I’ve learned a lot about myself, specifically what I prefer to focus and spend time on. With that comes the need to sacrifice some things.

In order to continue living without a source of income, I have to stretch my savings. That means only buying what I need (which fortunately isn’t a lot at this stage in my life). I’m not going out every weekend, I don’t eat out much, I brew my own coffee, I’ve been selling my shit on eBay. I do whatever I can to extend my finances another month. 

Every “paycheck” I make through a commission, an eBay sale, or an odd job is an extension of my desired life. Every little bit allows me to keep doing my own thing, keep improving myself on my own time, and keep focusing on what matters to me.

My question for you is, what would you be doing in my situation? Would you be able to sustain yourself for an extended period of time? What would you choose to focus on?

I think it’s important to know what your necessities are. If you could only buy the things you needed, what would they be? It’s important to know what you want to focus on. Do you want to build a passion project, improve yourself, learn a new skill?

You don’t have to retire like me to discover these. No matter where you are in life, you can become aware of what you’re wasting time, energy, and money on. Perform a life audit and start discovering what’s important and what’s not. Brush aside the unimportant and focus on the important.

March 9, 2022

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