Any Hobby Can Make Money

I started reading “The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up” by Marie Kondo and I am fully convinced you can make money doing anything.

As of writing this, I’ve only read the first chapter, so I can’t yet speak on the tidying aspects (stay tuned for those blogs). But simply reading the introduction and first chapter, I’m certain anyone can make a living doing the things they’re passionate about.

The fact that Marie Kondo was able to take her passion for organizing and tidying, learn everything she could, test and retest strategies, and create a business out of it is incredible.

Who would’ve thought a career could be formed around throwing things out and organizing a home? I sure as hell didn’t know before hearing a podcast interview with her. 

The fact that I’m even reading a book on “The Art of Tidying” is baffling. I never would’ve guessed there would be a single book on the subject, but here we are.

Discovering Marie Kondo and her teachings has given me more proof that no matter what your passion is, you can make a living with it. If you’re willing to dive head first and become an expert, the best of the best in that passion, you can be successful.

So whatever it is you’re passionate about, explore it fully and intentionally. Discover everything you can about it, how others do it, mistakes people have made, test your own ideas, teach other people about what you’ve learned.

With consistent, deliberate action, people will look to you as an expert in your passion. You’ll be doing what you love and others will ask you to show them your skills and knowledge.

May 20, 2022

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