Money is Unnecessary – A Stoic View of Spending Habits

Money is a tool and once you have enough to pay for the necessities, you really don’t need any more. There’s no reason to chase tens of millions of dollars. Once you reach a certain point, money is unnecessary and you’ll simply start searching for ways to spend it.

This is how I view money now. My viewpoints weren’t always like this and they may change, but I doubt that. I used to believe I needed to make millions and I spent a lot of time in college trying to figure out how I could do so. My belief was that being successful meant I could buy anything, live extravagantly, and travel forever.

Now, after reading and growing a lot, I’ve realized this is not how I want to view money. Money is simply a tool that we need in order to survive. I believe excessive amounts of money is pointless and after a certain point, starts bringing out insecurities in the person who possesses it.

Once you have enough money to pay for your necessities – housing, food, water, bills – everything else is a Want, not a Need. There’s nothing wrong with having Wants, enjoying nice clothes, cars, and food, but I think there is a point where it’s unnecessary.

People don’t buy big homes, fast cars, and expensive clothes to prove to themselves they’re successful. People buy those things to prove it to others. Buying a Rolex isn’t for your pleasure, it’s ultimately so you feel successful in the eyes of other people because in the end, all that shit does is tell the time. What good is a 10 bedroom mansion if you live alone?

Anything more than what’s necessary is not for you, it’s for some other reason. If you have so much money that you spend it just to spend it, you have too much money. Once you can pay for the necessities and fund your hobbies and passions, you can lay back.

You work your entire life to reach this level of “success” so you buy a Rolex? What good is that many years of hardwork if it only amounts to you being able to tell time? Are you happy where you are or are you constantly seeking another trip or purchase?

Once the necessities are covered, your search for the next trip, house, boat, car, watch, etc. are nothing more than a distraction from your deep-seated insecurity, trauma, and need to “prove” something to the world. Your loneliness, anxiety, depression, cynicism, and greed will be there no matter where you go or what you buy.

I believe immense sums of money is unnecessary. But what do I know? I’m just a confused 20-something with no money.

January 13, 2023

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