More Important Things

Limit your points of worry to only what matters – your goals and vision for your future.

The clothes you choose to wear each day should not require immense deliberation. You eat three meals a day, each shouldn’t require much time to create. Your workout shouldn’t be built at the gym, it should be ready before you walk in the door. Morning routines are put in place to start your day right, with no hesitation or intrusions.

There are so many parts of life that should not require loads of our time and energy. There are very few things that should receive our time and energy. Your job is to determine what falls into each category.

You’re trying to build the life you desire – a life filled with the activities and people you love the most. There is a definition of success you have in your mind that is the basis for what you do today.

What should you be doing every single day as a way to become that version of yourself? What is required of you to make that vision of success a reality? How does that you keep their mind clear and focused, how do they keep themselves healthy, how do they support themselves, and what makes them happy?

You should be able to come up with a list of things that deserve your focus and with that comes a longer list of the things that don’t deserve your attention. For me, the attention goes towards blogs, art, podcasts, reading, and coffee. Of course, I focus on health too, but that’s all routine and requires little tweaking at this point.

With my list of important things, I know the stuff I can spend less time on – TV, picking outfits, cooking extravagant meals, drama, etc. None of this stuff plays an important role in my future, so I do my best to limit the energy required to make choices involving these things e.g. having a limited wardrobe, eating the same meals each day, and walking away from arguments.

You decide what you focus your time and energy on. Determine your definition of success and what’s required of you to reach it. Develop a list of your own important things then let everything else become routine and insignificant.

July 20, 2022

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