No More Teachers, No More Books. Ok We’ll Keep The Books

I think school has ruined the enjoyment of learning for a lot of people. The systems schools use to teach their students leaves kids and young adults confused, stressed, and content with the knowledge they have now.

Let’s make it clear, I don’t believe school is a bad thing. Both primary and secondary schooling have the ability to instill useful techniques and information in the minds of students. School can and does give many students the resources they need to succeed in their desired fields.

For others, however, school can do the opposite. Classes, books, and assignments cause enough negative emotions and turmoil to convince students to say “Learning isn’t for me.” The stress results in them being content with their current knowledge and having no desire to pick up a book and learn something new.

Since graduating from college, I’ve realized the opposite. Now that I’ve been given the time and freedom to learn anything I want whenever I want, learning is much more enjoyable.

Any topic that interests me is available in all forms of media. I can invest as much or as little time as I can or desire to. There are no tests, no essays, and no mandatory discussion boards. I can record and retain whatever information I choose to. 

The best part is, if I find I’m no longer interested in the subject, I can move on. I’m not required to sit in a lecture hall three hours a week for another 8 weeks. I don’t have to cram and regurgitate anything.

To me, anyone who says “I don’t like reading” has been conditioned to think that way. Something in their past told them reading and learning new things is stressful and not worth the effort. Or they genuinely have a learning disability, in which case other methods would need to be used in order to continue learning after school.

If school was hard for you and made you not want to learn, I recommend you reconsider. There is so much out there to discover and with the internet, it’s all easily accessible in any format you desire.

You don’t have to go crazy with your continued learning. Choose your own courses. Write your own syllabus. Just keep learning.

February 14, 2022

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