No Time For Leisure

A struggle that comes with productivity and working towards goals is turning off the “hustle” mindset.

I hate the word “hustle” in the passion project/business context, but I couldn’t think of another word. 

There’s a mindset that comes with working hard on passion projects and goals. A mindset of focus, time and energy efficiency, constant brainstorming, and a need to be doing something – this is the case for me at least. Having this mindset, I’ve discovered it’s difficult for me to turn it off.

It’s hard for me to see a full day ahead and want to do absolutely nothing but watch TV, read, and look at my phone. I struggle to find a desire to go out to dinner with family/friends because that’s time I could be doing something else. I hate having errands to run because they steal time from my productivity. I like to be working, writing, podcasting, brainstorming, and just doing something related to my goals.

I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing. What’s wrong with staying focused and productive as often as possible? It’s great to be motivated to work and stay consistent. At the same time, I do believe it’s necessary to do the opposite – not as often of course, but occasionally. To take a step back, let your mind cool down, and do more meaningless things.

For me, these moments come naturally – I’ll work consistently for days or weeks until finally my brain tells me it’s time to take a break. I can’t explain it, but I’ll have thoughts of wanting to go out, wanting to hang out with friends, or wanting to do nothing all day. I try my best to listen and follow the impulse. Usually that one activity or day off is the perfect reset.

Maybe this is different for you. Maybe you’re even more focused than I feel I am. In which case, it may be necessary to schedule a day off or a night out at a regular interval. This can be your way of ensuring you don’t burn yourself out down the road or making your friends and family think you disappeared.

All I’m saying is, work hard whenever you can. Know who you’re trying to become and the goals you’re looking to achieve. Stay consistent and do whatever you can each day to move closer to that vision. Never fear saying no to people’s invitations or for pushing off simple errands. Listen to your body – it’ll let you know when you need a break. Or use your self-awareness to determine how often you should give your body the reset it needs.

August 19, 2022

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