What’s Your North Star?

We’ve all heard a version of the quote “Start with the end in mind”. But what the hell does it actually mean and why do I have to do it?

I see it as a driving force. Your own North star. A feeling that guides you over obstacles. The voice in your head telling you to keep going.

When you sit down and think deeply about where you want to end up, everything else gets easier. When you have an idea, a vision, a feeling of the end goal, you’ll know you can’t stop until you’re there.

When you have this in your mind every decision you make should align with the person you’re trying to become. You won’t waste time on anything that pulls you away from the end goal. You’ll be able to focus fully on anything and everything that puts you a step closer to that goal.

At the same time, the most difficult task is to let go. Let go of your fears and worries about the future. Don’t dwell on the day to day hiccups. Use mistakes as excuses to learn. Have faith everything is happening for you, not to you.

Figure out every detail of who you want to be. What does it look like, feel like, sound like? Who are you surrounded by? What does every day consist of? Have all these things locked tight in your mind. 

Now let go.

Keep working until you reach it.

February 4, 2022

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