
One Hit Wonder

You only have to be right once. You only have to make one right decision to make everything else easier.

This thought has been my driving force recently. Thinking this has focused my attention on the present moment and improved my ability to be patient.

I’ve been considering this in the monetary sense. It’s no secret I want to be financially free – to not have to worry about bills or any financial hits, and be able to live the life I want when I want.

When I reflect on this goal, it becomes overwhelming. That point at which I am financially free seems so far away from where I am now. There’s so much I have to do, so much money I have to invest, and so many decisions I have to make. “Where do I start?” and “How can I possibly do that?” are questions I often ask myself.

Then I came up with this “One Hit Wonder” idea. I’m going to make a lot of mistakes along the path towards reaching financial freedom, but I only have to make one really good decision and I can be set.

All it takes is one investment to take my investments to the perfect level. That investment can be any number of things – a business, real estate, crypto, writing a book… It could be anything! There’s no way to know what that one choice will be, but it doesn’t matter now.

All that matters is knowing that my goal is one choice away. One day all the consistent effort, mistakes, and patience will be worth it. 

Knowing I’m one decision away from freedom allows me to focus on what I can do today. It’s unlikely that decision will be made today, but I know it’s coming. Why worry about it now when I can stay present and do the work I need to do today?

Focus on figuring out what you want to do with your life. Find what fills you with joy and gives you a sense of fulfillment. This way, when you do make that one decision that makes it all worth it, you’ll be exactly where you want to be.

March 21, 2022

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