
How I Make 5k in Passive Income

I don’t make 5k a month in passive income. If you were looking for a helpful guide, I apologize.

My YouTube and social media are filled with videos of people talking about all these ways they’ve been able to “get rich quick” without having to do any work. Now they make passive income every month.

It’s strange to me. Sure I’d like to be making money each month without having to put much work in, but at the same time, I’m not interested in doing all the shit these people talk about.

I’m not interested in designing low-content notebooks, building a Shopify store, creating an NFT collection (yet), or any of the other things everyone says makes them “easy money”.

I’m way more interested in doing something I actually enjoy putting time into. Even if it doesn’t make me any money in the near future.

When I see all the options out there and ways people are making money, I don’t doubt that I could do most if not all of them. I don’t want to though.

Spending hours setting up these “passive income” streams doesn’t appeal to me. The labor involved doesn’t get me excited. Thinking about sitting there for hours, figuring out how to set the thing up, market it, and manage it doesn’t make me feel motivated to get out of bed.

I’ve realized how important it is to use my time wisely and fill it with the things I love. Those things are writing, podcasting, art, and coffee. While none of these activities pay me passively, I don’t care.

Each morning, I’m hyped to enjoy my coffee and see what ideas I come up with. I love meeting and hearing the stories of passionate, creative individuals. The flow state I enter when I paint is an immensely freeing experience.

So my humble suggestion is this: feel at ease when you constantly scroll through endless content on passive income. Just because someone else is doing it doesn’t mean you have to. Knowing there are options out there that are making people money while you work on something that may not be, doesn’t mean you’re wasting your time.

Invest your time in the things that fill you with joy and make you feel amazing. Stray away from doing things just because you want money. Money will come and go, but your time can never come back after it’s gone.

March 25, 2022

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