Peaks And Valleys – Manage The Good Days and The Bad

I’m starting to see life in terms of peaks and valleys – high points and low points.

It seems as though no matter what routine I follow, some days will be amazing, some days will be average, and some will unfortunately be bad. Life will go through a constant cycle. While I believe we have some control over it, there’s only so much each of us can do.

I picture a ball rolling over hills, slowly gaining momentum as a way to reach the next peak. The ball reflects life’s ups and downs. With that constant movement of the ball, there’s going to be days with it at the bottom – the shitty days. You’ll likely spend most days along the sides of the hills – the average or good days.

There are a lot of things each of us can do to sway the momentum towards reaching the peaks. Our diet, exercise routines, pursuits of passions and hobbies, and any number of things that make us happy. 

There are also factors we cannot control as easily. We can’t perfectly track and adjust the chemicals cycling through our body. We have some control but there are a lot of factors that play a role in our brain’s actions. With that comes days of imbalance and unfortunately negative thoughts and emotions.

While it sucks knowing that no matter what you do, no matter how healthy you are, there will be bad days, it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try. If the majority of your days are spent towards the base of the hills, try shifting the momentum with new habits. If you spend most days higher up on the hills, don’t be blindsided when bad days arrive and don’t give up on your habits.

You’re never stuck in one spot along the slope. You’re always rolling and always have some impact on the motion. Find ways to manage all of life’s ups and downs.

October 31, 2022

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