People Focused to Task Focused

Another fatal flaw of Bryce Czekanski – becoming task driven and disregarding social awareness. Lemme explain…

There I was making lattes and filling cups of coffee, entering the flow state, and becoming increasingly more efficient by the minute. There was no stopping me – and that’s the problem. While I was doing my job – taking orders and making them to the customer’s liking, I wasn’t doing the most important part of my job i.e. customer service.

This feels like an interview all of a sudden… customer service to me isn’t simply taking orders and making drinks. Customer service is caring about the customer, both what they’re ordering and the person behind the order. That means asking questions about their life and having a conversation, however “small-talky” it is.

When I enter into my flow state, I start to shy away from that customer service aspect of the job. The analytical, task-driven part of my brain takes the wheel and I forget to be a human being. I fail to focus on the customer to the full extent.

When I realize these “flaws” I have, it gives me hope. Noticing these mistakes I make shows me there’s room to grow and change if I so choose. It’s a part of the self-awareness journey and discovering what traits I want to keep and which I want to work on.

So when I noticed my brain switch to work mode, I reminded myself “Hey, don’t forget to talk to the person. Don’t simply take their order.” This allows me to switch my focus again and split it between performing the task at hand and starting a conversation with the customer.

It’s great to have high standards for efficiency and effectiveness at work. It’s not great to disregard connection with others. You cannot pick and choose aspects of the job. Tasks and people require equal amounts of attention. I’d even say the people are more important.

Try to catch yourself when your habits take over. Determine whether or not you’re performing in the most productive way possible.

May 6, 2022

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