Permission To Pause

Give yourself permission to slow down every once in a while. 

Allow yourself to take a step back from your hard work. Let yourself experience some calm after days without any.

Oftentimes, I lose myself in a routine of work. Each day, I wake up with an urge to work and to fill every hour with productivity. When the day ends, I’m left feeling like I could’ve done more.

I fail to realize how much my mind is racing day in and day out. I’m constantly thinking, constantly coming up with ideas, scrolling for trending sounds, doing math in my head, writing blogs, finding podcast guests, doing this, doing that…


You need to give yourself a break in order to desire the work. You may feel fine. You may feel productive and ready to go, but going full force every day rarely ends well.

Every so often, you need to let your mind rest. Put down the phone, close the laptop, and put away the microphone. Instead, go back to the simple pleasures.

Read some fiction, lay on the couch all day, sit outside or go for a long walk.

Your mind will probably fight you at first. You’ll think “I need to do work!” or “I can’t waste the day like this!” but you don’t have to work and you can waste the day.

Taking a pause here and there is like a reboot to your system. Divulging in simple pleasures puts your mind at ease after running non-stop for so long. You may not even realize how stressed/overworked you were until you allow yourself to do nothing.

It doesn’t have to be a constant practice, you have goals to achieve! It just has to happen. Take a pause. The work will be there waiting when you’re back.

March 23, 2022

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