Where Do Your Priorities Lie?

You can see where a person’s priorities lie not by their words but with their actions. Never feel compelled to prove yourself through words, but show your truth by acting on it daily.

I’ve been considering money a lot in the past couple weeks after posting a tik tok on the topic. The comments that fueled my thoughts were those stating I was jealous of the wealthy and lying to myself. It’s funny how these random people on the internet know me more than I know myself!

With consideration I realized, I don’t have any reason to argue with these people. There’s no need for me to prove where my priorities lie. My focus isn’t on making a ton of money or living lavishly. I know this and commenting on tik tok will not prove this to anyone.

Words do not prove anything. Actions do.

If money was my driving force, do you think I’d be a barista? Do you truly believe I’d be struggling to balance two part time jobs? Would I be using my free time to write blogs, record podcasts, and build a small coffee business? If I was truly driven by money, do you think I’d be making any of these choices?

There are a lot of actions I could be taking if I wanted to make money. Learning high income skills, working in sales, starting a passive business online, etc. But I’m not doing those things.

My priorities lie in my personal happiness and living a fulfilling life. My focus is on investing time in what I enjoy and building something bigger than myself. I want to inspire others to pursue hobbies and passions and live their own fulfilling life. Money doesn’t matter that much to me because I realize I only need enough to be comfortable. I know that’s possible to do even if I focus on the things I enjoy.

Forget trying to prove yourself to people by arguing your perspectives online. The best way to show what truly matters to you is to act. Be the person you know you are and do what you know to be true. Your daily choices show where your priorities lie.

February 3, 2023

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