There’s No Need to Prove Yourself

Why do I feel the need to prove myself to strangers on the internet? Why do I need to defend my beliefs to someone who doesn’t know a damn thing about me?

I hate when someone’s perception of me is something I’m not. For many years, I’ve worked hard to develop the person I am now. I’ve invested a lot of time and energy into Stoicism, financial literature, self improvement, health, and making myself a better person. So when someone tells me I’m something I’m not, it irks me.

I posted a video about money and someone called me jealous of rich people. That’s far from what I am and I know that, but it still pisses me off. Why? Why does my chest tighten when someone disagrees with me or assumes my insecurities incorrectly?

Deep down, I think we all have a desire to gain acceptance from others. We all want to feel our thoughts are important, our creations are worthwhile, and our presence is desired. So when I try so hard to be a good person, a Stoic, patient, and open to alternate perspectives, only for someone to say I’m the opposite, it fuckin hurts.

Aren’t they doing and feeling the same things? The only reason they’re saying anything is because I struck a chord and went against their personal beliefs. They feel the need to fight back, defend their own perspective, and get their voice heard. It takes something powerful to cause someone to comment hatred. There’s something inside them that needs to come out. I can’t fault them for wanting to express themself.

With the desire to share your ideas with the world comes backlash. You cannot pander to everyone’s opinions. There is no way to prove one perspective is better than another and there’s no point in trying.

Share your ideas as long as you’re being true to yourself. If and when someone disagrees, try to realize there’s more to their comment than just their words. There’s an entire life of experience, trauma, and negativity behind that comment. In the end, you’re both trying to feel heard and accepted.

Never let some dummy on the internet tell you who you are or what you believe, determine it for yourself.

January 16, 2023

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