Punctuated Equilibrium – Small, Gradual Wins or Rare, Massive Change?

In 1972 Niles Eldredge and Stephen Jay Gould developed a theory of evolution that contradicted our original understandings. These scientists noticed that evolution may not be gradual – a slow process of forming new species and traits – but punctuated. They theorized that there were periods of little to no change but then massive shifts in traits and development.

What does this mean for you and how can it help you improve?

It’s important to know you’re not going to make massive amounts of progress every single day. You’re not going to start a business and make millions over night. You’re not going to start working out and see a six pack tomorrow. You won’t start journaling today and have a clear mind in the morning.

I believe your own evolution and self-improvement is both gradual and punctuated.

I’ll always encourage consistency in anything you do. It’s important to work on something every day, whether it be a lot of work or the bare minimum. Consistency leads to these moments where major changes occur.

With consistent effort, you gradually improve. Consistency builds the foundation for these massive changes. If you look at your improvement from another person’s perspective, you’ll see the punctuated equilibrium.

You work on something every day and don’t feel much is changing, but to someone who isn’t in your shoes, it seems like all of a sudden you’re someone different. Your daily journaling results in others wondering where this calm, focused, self aware person came from. You go to the beach with friends and “Woah, you’re ripped!”. You try growing a business then you become an “overnight success”.

To you it doesn’t seem like much is changing because you’re living it. You look in the mirror every day, you view your analytics each day, you put your thoughts down on paper each morning, you witness the slow growth. Others witness the punctuated growth.

Keep up your consistent habits. While you may not see results, other people definitely will. Work on yourself every day and don’t be surprise when people notice how much you’ve changed.

December 9, 2022

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