Reality – Expectations = Happiness: A Simple Formula For A Better Life

One of the keys to experiencing happiness is to lower your expectations and experience reality for how it is. This formula came to me through a Tim Ferriss interview with Tim Urban

Think about some of the things that bother you the most – rude people, anxiety, stress, day to day obstacles, etc. How many of these problems would disappear if you had no expectations? 

Are you expecting people to act a certain way when you go to work? “Maybe today people won’t be so rude” or “I wish people would show some common courtesy today.” Are you expecting the world to play out smoothly without any hiccups? No traffic, beautiful weather, no technological mishaps, just smooth sailing. 

In my own life, when shit happens I don’t like – say for instance a customer is rude to me. I often think “Seriously? Why can’t you just be nice right now?” When anything unwanted happens, I typically find myself wondering why it couldn’t have just gone smoothly or better – that’s expectations. Expectations are what steal happiness.

Don’t expect anyone to act in a certain way. Never expect the world to perform in ways that benefit your journey. Give gifts and assistance without any expectation of something in return. If you do have expectations, you’ll only grow upset when they don’t play out.

The world will play out how it will whether you’re involved or not. You cannot control other people – they will act as rudely or nicely as their current mood wills them to. Future events do not exist, so try your best to stay present and understand you’ll be ready for whatever comes.

Expectations lead to unhappiness. Being able to accept reality for what it is and for what it’s going to be is a recipe for calm. Take all life throws at you and realize there was no other way it could’ve happened, otherwise it would’ve. This is what you got, now move forward.

October 3, 2022

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