Shift Your Perspective – Learning to See the Positives

How can you learn to view the bright side of every event? What does it take to shift your perspective from the initial negative response to a more positive one?

Every so often, we have a busy day at work. For some reason, everyone comes to get coffee at the same time. It can grow frustrating after a while. It becomes difficult to clean up, brew new coffees, or catch a breath.

When a manager comes by to see how we’re doing, we say “Busy”. When I say it’s busy, I say it out of annoyance. But then the manager hits me with the, “That’s good!” and I’m left questioning my grievances.

Sure it can be nice to have a slower shift with few interactions with customers, but being busy means the shop is doing well. This interaction with management shows that there’s a different perspective I could be incorporating. This is true with most occurrences in life.

There’s almost always an ability to look at the bright side. Every situation can have a silver lining but we often fail to pursue it. It’s often easier to take an event as it first appears to us – good or bad – then dwell on it when it’s bad. Sometimes we want to be crabby and for people to commiserate with us, but that doesn’t feel as good as the alternative.

Gratitude and leading with positivity feels much better. These emotions can propel us forward and feel better while doing it. All it takes is learning to shift your perspective. It takes overcoming an initial sense of annoyance, negativity, and frustration so you can instead view it in positive light.

Try catching yourself the next time you’re feeling negativity towards an event. See if you can view it logically and consider it more positively.

April 14, 2023

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