Shifting Priorities – What Will You Focus On?

My priorities are shifting and I’m not sure how I feel about it.

ETT Coffee is officially up and running now that I’ve begun taking orders for free samples. So far, I’ve received 35 orders and I’m thrilled and so grateful. With this rush of support, I’m discovering how much work is necessary. I’ve been figuring out logistics, driving back and forth, filling bags, folding boxes, printing labels, posting tik toks…

But you know what I haven’t been doing? Writing blogs, reading, or most of the other activities I was doing prior to launch. I’m realizing my priorities are shifting and it’s gonna be necessary to pivot a little in order to pursue my coffee venture.

It’s hard to switch my mindset from writing blogs each day, to writing them more infrequently and producing fewer each month. It’s tough not being able to sit down and read after work because I have orders to fulfill. Changing my whole routine and optimizing it further is far from easy or ideal right now, but it’s necessary.

With anything you do for long enough, it takes time and effort to break out of it – habits, routines, mindsets, etc. Just because it’s challenging doesn’t mean you get to not do it. If the new priorities and routines are more beneficial than the old, the effort is necessary.

I can choose to continue blogging to the same capacity, read the same amount, watch tik tok for just as long, and do everything the same as before, but to add coffee into that is a quick path to burnout. You have to realize what’s truly important to you and determine the capacity at which you can progress with each. It may not be as much or often as before the addition of this new priority, but doing something is better than nothing.

I view my priorities as a list and with the addition of ETT Coffee, I see the list shuffling around. ETT Coffee is a major goal for me, so it requires major attention. Of course I want to blog, podcast, and read, but choices have to be made. I can still do everything, it’ll just be at different capacities and that’s ok.

Determine what’s important to you, where your priorities lie, and how you want to spend your time. Be open to new routines because you never know when your priorities will shift.

February 22, 2023

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