Stay the Course – A Helpful Reminder to Keep Going

This is your reminder to stay the course.

Have you ever received the exact reminder you needed to continue on your path? I did the other day and I couldn’t be more grateful for the experience.

The past few days were rough and it’s all because of Tik Tok comments. No matter how much preemptive thought I do to mentally prepare for rudeness, when it actually happens, it ruins me. The cynicism of people and utter lack of compassion is astounding. I understand people have their opinions and want to fight for their voice to be heard, but it doesn’t always come across as open-minded and respectful. I’ll say this too – I’m sick of people mocking my glasses! I am aware I have poor eyes, thank you.

No matter how hard I tried, the comments got the best of me and altered my mood for the worst. It reached a point where I didn’t open the app for two days and I’m considering never reading any comment moving forward, The negativity brought on thoughts of why I continue doing this and whether or not the few good interactions justify putting up with the bad ones.

Then life sent my reminder to stay the course.

It’s actually the first time I was recognized in public for my Tik Tok. I felt very Gary Vaynerchuk-esque. This individual told me how he found my account a few days prior and found my videos inspiring and helpful. They said the topics make for interesting conversations in their friend group.

I was honestly awestruck. I didn’t know what to say, I was so full of surprise, joy, and appreciation. This two minute interaction made me forget all the negativity and any questioning my brain was doing. From their words alone, I know I’m on the right path.

The content I produce attempts to inspire. My hope is to get people thinking and questioning their habits and beliefs as a way to improve all areas of their life. To hear just one person tell me my content is doing that for them, I know it’s all worth it. If there’s one, there’s likely more and maybe I just haven’t found them yet.

So to the person who gave me the reminder and motivation I needed, thank you. I cannot express how grateful I am to have met you and chatted with you. You truly made a massive difference in my mindset right when I needed it most. I wish you the best and only hope I can continue producing beneficial content for you and people just like you.

April 10, 2023

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