Make Your Story Worth Telling

Everything you’re going through, every obstacle you’re facing, is another piece of the story you’ll one day share.

One day, you’ll be exactly where you want to be. When that day comes, when you’ve reached your definition of success, you’ll look back and witness all you overcame.

All the blogs you wrote without readers, all the podcasts recorded without listeners, all the Tik Toks you posted with no likes will all be worth it.

One day people will look to you for advice. People will ask you to share your story and show the world how you overcame everything you did. 

No one listens when you’re going through it, but soon enough they’ll be wondering how you came out on top.

If times are tough, just know that it’s all a part of your story that hasn’t been completed yet. The struggles you face and challenges you take on make your story interesting. Don’t let them beat you. That’s not a story people want to hear.

Face it all with the intention of coming out stronger than you were before. Stay calm, focused, and motivated with every curveball you’re thrown. Know that one day you’ll tell the story of how you made it through this moment – so make it a story worth telling.

April 25, 2022

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