Sweating The Small Stuff

Minor inconveniences don’t deserve to ruin your day. You have the power to stay positive and work through it all with a stoic mind.

Some days feel like everything is working against us. When one thing goes wrong, everything else does as well. A big part of this results from how we view the minor inconveniences in our daily life.

If our car breaks down on the way to work, we can grow stressed, pissed off, and resentful – first at the situation itself, then at the day ahead. The negative emotions of the inconvenience spill over into the remainder of our day, leading to poor decisions and regret.

Conversely, we can look at the same situation for what it is – a random obstacle to use to our advantage. When your car breaks down, practice focusing on what you can control and act accordingly. You can call work to let them know you’ll be late, you can call for assistance, you can stay positive by reminding yourself to be grateful – at least it’s not worse, pretty rad you have a friend who’s willing to help, now you’ll be more prepared if this happens in the future.

These inconveniences are just moments – face them head on, then move on. Solve the problem placed before you then forget about it. There’s no reason to trudge through the rest of your day because you faced a little adversity. That shit happens all the time and will continue to happen your entire life.

Learn how to switch your focus to the things you can control. If negative emotions are given the space to fester, they can quickly consume you and wreck your entire day. Take each inconvenience for what it is – a singular moment in time that gives you the chance to be better.

September 2, 2022

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