Trust The Universe – My Life Saving Medication

There are many forces at play when it comes to how your life unfolds. You only have an impact on a fraction of those forces. As a human being, your job is to focus on those forces you have control over and trust the Universe will handle everything else in ways that benefit your journey.

Consider my life saving medication and the current research being done to improve my chances of a longer, healthier life.

If you didn’t know, I have a disease called Hurler-Scheie and I receive a weekly infusion as a way to synthetically replace and enzyme my body lacks. The medication I receive is the best remedy for my condition at this time, but researchers continue to explore alternative treatments. (For more information on my disease, click HERE)

Do I have any impact on their scientific studies? Not really. I can assist if they ask for blood samples or survey responses, but I have no control over their findings. Their research can drastically alter my life and while I’m here typing this blog, there are scientists working towards helping me.

The Universe is in constant motion and the sphere of occurrences that surrounds you is much larger than you believe. Much like the scientists working in the background of my story, there are people and events working in the background of their stories and yours.

You have little say in what the Universe is doing, but you don’t have no say. Focus on the few things you have an impact on – your thoughts, your health, and your day to day choices. While you focus on that, trust the infinite interactions, reactions, and chance occurrences of the Universe and know there are forces working in your favor.

December 26, 2022

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