Voluntary Discomfort

When was the last time you did something uncomfortable on purpose?

When was the last time you stood out in the cold without a jacket? Think of a time when you skipped breakfast and fasted until lunch. How often do you take a cold shower, just because?

There’s a Stoic practice known as voluntary discomfort – purposefully performing activities that make you uncomfortable. Why? So that if and when inconvenience strikes, you’ll be prepared and it won’t be as impactful.

When your water heater breaks or your roommates use up the hot water, you’ll know that a cold shower isn’t as painful as people believe.

When you have to fast for a surgery or a blood test, you won’t complain about starving or feel like you’re going to pass out – you know your body can handle extended periods of time without food.

If you never test your ability to deal with discomfort, you won’t be able to handle it when it arises. At this point, I’m sure you know how unavoidable some of these things are. Life doesn’t always play out how we’d all like, so why not prepare a little?

Build your mental toughness and train your brain to know it can handle these inconveniences everyone presumes are so awful. A ten minute trip without a jacket won’t cause frostbite. Twelve hours without food won’t kill you. Eating the same meal everyday isn’t that bad.

Go out and make yourself uncomfortable.

April 29, 2022

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